1. Katate Hazushi “A” Outside
wrist hold break.
2. Katate Hazushi “B” Inside wrist
hold break.
3. Ryote Hazushi Two hand hold break.
4. Morote Hazushi Two hands on one break.
5. Yubi Tori Hazushi Finger grip break.
6. Momiji Hazushi Breaking a choke.
7. Ryoeri Hazushi Two hands on lapel break.
8. Yubi Tori Hand hold on sensitive 3rd finger.
9. Moro Yubi Tori Hand hold using all fingers.
10. Katate Tori One hand wrist break.
11. Ryote Tori Two hand or double wrist break.
12. Ude Tori A quick armbar.
13. Kotemaki Tori A wrist and arm lock.
14. Imon Tori Break hand - pushing chest.
15. Ryoeri Tori Break 2nd grip on lapels,
16. Akushu Kote Tori Break handshake &
wrist out.
17. Akushu Ude Tori Apply arm bar from hand
18. Akushu Katate Tori A wrist break from a
19. Kubi Nuki Shime Break headlock & apply
20. Tekubi Tori “A” Break wrist
grip & apply
arm twist.
21. Tekubi Tori “B” Break cross
grip & apply
reverse wrist twist.
22. Hagai Shime A full nelson from a blow.
Nage No
1. Deashi Harai Advanced foot sweep.
2. Sasae Ashi Retarded leg stop throw,
3. Okuri Harai Sidestep sweep.
4. Soto Gama Outside sickle.
5. Uchi Gama Inside sickle.
6. Soto Momo Harai Outside thigh sweep.
7. Uchi Momo Harai Inside thigh sweep.
8. Ogoshi Buttock throw.
9. Utsuri Goshi Counter for Ogoshi.
10. Seoi Nage Shoulder throw.
11. Ushiro Goshi Rear throw (counter for Seoi
12. Seoi Goshi Shoulder buttock throw.
13. Tsurikomi Goshi Raised arms - buttock throw.
14. Harai Goshi A sweep (thigh & leg).
15. Hane Goshi Spring of hip & leg throw.
16. Uki Otoshi Dropping pull down throw.
17. Makikomi Grapevine arm throw & hold.
18. Kane Sute Flying Scissors throw.
19. Tomoe Nage Overhead circle throw.
20. Yama Arashi Demolition throw.
Shime No Kata
1. Eri Katami Apply strangling headlock with
2. Kata Katami Apply strangling headlock
with arm
3. Juji Katami Apply crossbody arm lock with
scissors on arm.
4. Shiho Katami Body press, smother face
countering blow.
5. Sankaku Katami Miss Tomoe Nage and apply
figure-4 strangle.
6. Ushiro Katami Body stretch from rear after
countering throw.
7. Namijuji Shime Ordinary choke with fingers
8. Gyakujuji Shime Choke with thumbs inside.
9. Ichimonji Shime Choke with hand on lapel
10. Tsukkomu Shime Knuckle press strangle.
11. Hadaka Jime “A” Choke with
head in front of
body w/o jacket.
12. Hadaka Jime “B” Bare arm strangle
from rear.
13. Hadaka Jime “C” Bare arm strangle
– arm
14. Dakikubi Jime Throw from headlock then
15. Osaegame Jime Grab hair & chin &
neck by a quick twist.
16. Kote Jime Cross body armlock
17. Tenada Jime Armbar from resisting strangle
18. Dho Jime Body scissor and arm bar.
19. Ashi Karame Jime Grapevine leg stretch.
20. Ashi Nada Jime Leg lock or leg bar.
21. Ashi Yubi Jime Leg lock and foot twist.
22. Momo Jime Break with leg scissors.
23. Shika No Issoku Leg and hammerlock.
24. Shidaro Fugi Shime Choke with toes by missing
Tomoe Nage.
25. Tatsu No Omake Shime Reverse arm bar.
Oku No Kata
1. Deashi Hayanada Advanced foot sweep and
2. Ogoshi Hayanada Buttock throw and quick
3. Seoi Hayanada Shoulder throw and quick
4. Norimi Counter O Goshi and strangle.
5. Sumigaeshi Corner circle throw using feet.
6. Mizukuguru Squat under push thow over
7. Maeyamakagi Counter Seoi Nage, throw &
to collar bone.
8. Komiiri Force into leg split when opponent
9. Kotegaeshi Block blow, armwhip, block
throw, submit.
10. Sakanuke Avoid head & stomach bump,
& break arm.
11. Gyakute Nage Counter, throw and apply
step over
12. Hontomoe Circle throw, strangle &
13. Katate Tomoe One arm circle throw.
14. Shigarami Block blow, break arm over
shoulder &
15. Gyaku Shigarami Hold opponent in hammerlock
one foot.
16. Kote Shigarami Hold opponent with one hand.
17. Kogaruma Counter for Mizukuguru.
18. Tora Nage Three headlock hip throws.
19. Tora Katsugi Throw with Obie and strangle.
20. Arashi Otoshi Quick lapel strangle and
21. Hiki Otoshi Throw and apply leg bar.
22. Kinu Katsugi Shoulder wheel or pile driver.
23. Kin Katsugi Shoulder wheel from kneeling
strike testicles.
24. Kaza Guruma Windmill spin and reverse body
25. Jigoko Otoshi Shoulder spin and pile driver
(airplane spin).
No Maki
1. Isami Tasuki Nage Over the shoulder piledriver.
2. Obie Hane Goshi Hip & leg throw using
3. Tsurikomi Taoshi Off balance throw.
4. Momiji Nage Strangle using knee countering
5. Gyaku Hayanada Breaking reverse armbar
from blow.
6. Hiza Nage A knee wheel throw.
7. Osaekomi Gyakute Tori From throw & armbar
w/leg apply Yeri Katame.
8. Kobushi Shime From throw apply pressure
9. Kesa Hazushi Apply legbreak after breaking
rear hold.
10. Kubishime Tomoe Gyakute Counter Momiji Nage,
arms crossed & armbar.
11. Ninin Nage Break from two man carry.
12. Gyakute Gaeshi Arm whip throw and break.
13. Hizaori Nage Circle throw using knee and
14. Gyaku Hagai Double arm lock from side.
15. Ushiro Kannuki Double arm lock from rear.
16. Mae Kannuki Double arm lock from front.
17. Hikitate Tori Shime A reverse armbar from
position on knee.
18. Ude Garami Body stretch with armlock &
leglock on mat.
19. Ebi Shime Lobster choke.
20. Ushiro Ebi Shime Force down double armlock
sitting on back.
21. Gyaku Eri Shime Quick standing strangle.
22. Ushiro Nage Rear throw.
23. Ude Shigarami Shime Short arm scissors.
24. Ashi Kannuki Indian Death lock.
25. Kesa Koroshi Head butt on solar plexus.
26. Hando Shime Side scissors, armbar and strangle.
27. Ashi Gyaku Corkscrew leglock from front.
28. Kabe Shime Standing strangle.
29. Ashi Karami Tori Break Ashi Karami &
leg and arm bar.
30. Nidan Gaeshi Arm whip from stomach bump,
lobster choke.
31. Satsuma Shime Monkey Strangle (rear).
32. Tataki Komi Surf board hold.
33. Ushiro Nage Tori One hand crosslock on
arms after
34. Saru Shigarmi Arm stretch right angle to
35. Sandan Gaeshi Tora Nage Gyakute Gaeshi.